The BBB Industries brands, Metalcaucho and Alfa e-Parts, collaborate with a vocational school to propose alternative job opportunities for automotive students
27 Februar 2024 | Corporativo
27 Februar 2024 | Corporativo
Juan Mármol, Metalcaucho’s Mechanical Specialist, and Irene Sánchez, former CTV School alumnus and currently working at Alfa e-Parts, were speakers
BBB Industries (BBB) continues its collaboration with a Barcelona-based vocational school to train students seeking automotive vocational training. At the training, BBB presented its brands Metalcaucho, aftermarket automotive rubber and metal spare parts, and Alfa e-Parts, its new brand of electrical and electronic spare parts.
Within the framework of talks on future professionals in the sector at the Centre Tècnic del Vallès (CTV), the two representatives of the BBB’s Barcelona-based brands highlighted possible job opportunities, since „studying automotive does not necessarily mean that you will become a workshop mechanic“, as Juan Mármol commented, one of the leading members of Metalcaucho’s Quality Department.
BBB Industries is a global leader in the sustainable manufacturing of products for the automotive, heavy-duty, and industrial markets. Both brands, Metalcaucho and Alfa e-Parts, were present at the career guidance days that CTV School prepares every year, with the aim of providing an external point of view, broadening the students‘ vision of the different job opportunities.
Juan Mármol, a renowned mechanic with extensive experience in high competition and who has been working in Metalcaucho’s Quality Department for 7 years, had already attended last year, and on February 15 he did not want to miss the appointment with the young students of the Automotive Intermediate and Higher Degrees.
The talk given by Juan Mármol dealt about the different employment options that can arise after studying Automotive Vocational Training, and „in mechanics there is life beyond a workshop“. And to make these alternative paths visible, he explained his professional experience as an example, since he started his career as a mechanic, went on to work in the Dakar rally, was a race car trainer, collaborator of important manufacturers in the automotive sector, and is currently part of the quality department of Metalcaucho, providing technical support in the analysis of products in the laboratory and contributing his knowledge in mechanics to the different departments of the company.
According to Juan Mármol, „talking to the students was a great experience. I told them about my career as a mechanic and in companies in the sector. I made them see that almost everything is a matter of attitude and concern, since in order to grow as a professional in this sector it’s very important to be interested in the multiple options offered by technology“.
An example of this technological concern is the Alfa HT1 Valve Tester, which Alfa e-Parts makes available to its customers, and which the speakers showed to the students. This tool for checking the operation of EGR and throttle valves has the clear DNA of the innovative vocation of the „mother“ BBB Industries, a large American company.
Representing Alfa e-Parts was Irene Sanchez, a former student of the CTV school, who, after completing an internship, is now a member of the BBB’ staff. Her experience could inspire the young students, since „I was very clear that, although I am passionate about the world of motors, I did not want to be a mechanic in a garage. That’s why I started to look for professional alternatives, such as being an insurance expert or a spare parts seller, for example, and the opportunity to do an internship in the product department came up,“ Irene explained. She is currently a product manager, and showed them examples of her day-to-day work, such as validation files, and presented technical information on various product families in the Alfa e-Parts range.
The CTV is an automotive vocational training school linked to the Girona Technical School group of centers, specialists in vocational training since 1990. According to Edgar Girón, teacher at CTV, „We appreciate the collaboration of leading companies in the automotive sector such as BBB Industries, the school-company relationship is a fundamental pillar in the professional development of students who opt for this professional branch. The companies can contribute their point of view and explain their needs for the good development of their activity and transmit them to the students for their good professional progression. We are very grateful for the visit of the professionals from Metalcaucho and Alfa e-Parts, which we are sure did not leave any student indifferent“.
With this action, BBB and the Centre Tècnic del Vallès continue with their link between company and school, such as the presentation of candidates from the school in the company’s job bank, and thus collaborate with the students in their insertion into the real labor market.
Seit mehr als 30 Jahren widmen wir uns bei Metalcaucho dem Bereich Ersatzteile und Zubehörteile aus Gummi und Metall für das Automobil für praktisch alle globalen Hersteller.
Wir gehören zur BBB Industries-Gruppe
Calle Puig i Cadafalch, 2,
08191 Rubí, Barcelona / Spanien
Telefon: +34 93 274 29 43
Fax: +34 93 346 69 02
Email: info@metalcaucho.com
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