Metalcaucho joins the Fundació Impulsa to help equal opportunities for young people
7 Ιουνίου 2022 | Corporativo
7 Ιουνίου 2022 | Corporativo
The leader in rubber and metal joins the Catalan foundation as a driving organization to invest in a social and solidary return
Metalcaucho, european leading supplier of aftermarket spare parts in rubber and metal for the automotive sector, wants to join forces with a solidarity project with the Fundació Impulsa, a Catalan organization that has been carrying out actions with social and economic impact since 2015, with the aim of generating equal opportunities and motivation in young people with problems for who can contribute their potential to society.
With 35 years behind it, Metalcaucho sees effort as an essential value to develop its commitment to the future, which goes through innovation in R&D. It’s precisely the effort to guarantee quality in all production processes, which has led it to be leaders in the sector, and in this commitment to the future, Metalcaucho has decided to form part of the Fundació Impulsa gear. It joins it as a Promoter Organization to make its parts also contribute to a society with greater equality of opportunities for young people.
The collaboration of more than 140 Promoter Organizations that trust in the work of the Fundació Impulsa is essential to continue guaranteeing the Mètode Impulsa and the economic sustainability of the project, through which they have already awarded scholarships to 360 young people who have been able to access cycles of Vocational Training. More than 90% of the young people who are part of this project graduate each year, well above the 50% average for Catalonia, one more indicator of the success of their method.
Metalcaucho had previously participated in other solidarity actions, such as a blood donation campaign, collaborating with Doctors Without Borders in a Christmas campaign, or a food, book and toy collection for the Itaca Educational Association. These are small contributions to society, with the aim that the famous brand can also contribute wealth in the social sphere.
Σχεδιάζουμε και παράγουμε ανταλλακτικά και εξαρτήματα από καουτσούκ και μέταλλο για την αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία πάνω από 30 χρόνια, διατηρώντας συνεργασία με όλες σχεδόν τις διεθνείς μάρκες.
Ανήκουμε στον όμιλο BBB Industries
Calle Puig i Cadafalch, 2,
08191 Rubí, Βαρκελώνη
Τηλ: +34 93 274 29 43
Φαξ: +34 93 346 69 02
Email: info@metalcaucho.com
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