Metalcaucho participates in the great party of the 30th anniversary of Recambios Gaudí
9 September 2019 | Ferias
9 September 2019 | Ferias
The event became a great celebration with the great actors of the sector
The Metalcaucho stand had a large influx of public and acceptance by the attendees of the event held on September 7 in Lliçà de Vall (Barcelona)
Metalcaucho, the leading European supplier of aftermarket spare parts in rubber and metal for the automobile sector, attended as an exhibitor the fair that organized Recambios Gaudí on the occasion of its 30th anniversary. The event was held on September 7 at the same headquarters of Recambios Gaudí, in Lliçà de Vall (Barcelona).
Metalcaucho, a company founded in 1987, has grown with Gaudí Spare Parts from the beginning being one of its suppliers, when Antonio Tejada opened a 140m2 store. At the moment it has become one of the great companies of distribution of spare parts of its zone (Catalonia, Zaragoza and Valencia), growing year by year until now, having a ship of more than 10,000 m2. The meeting, concentrated in five intense hours of visits by managers of spare parts stores and mechanical workshops, brought together a professional audience that valued the improvement in the quality of their products and the excellent service offered by Metalcaucho (MC).
One of the elements that stood out the most was the New General Catalog 2019 of Metalcaucho, an iconic tool in the rubber and metal sector, which is available for download on its website. With more than 18,000 references, this catalog has more than 4,500 new parts, with about 2,400 of them exclusive. With this extensive range, they cover the product needs in rubber and metal for more than 2,800 models from 89 different brands.
After the morning event, a representation of Metalcaucho also attended the gala dinner in which Recambios Gaudí invited more than 1,000 people, leaving the bar high in terms of the organization of events, and could enjoy a celebrated meeting with professionals that will go down in the history of the sector for its category and spectacularity.
Since the arrival of a team led by Josep Grañó to the general management of Metalcaucho in 2015, and the incorporation of Mikel Equiza as commercial director in 2019, the company is betting on a clear national growth strategy, hand in hand of an international expansion. In this sense, Metalcaucho is committed to the presence in fairs and technical conferences, combining the care for its reference market with a globalization strategy.
Seit mehr als 30 Jahren widmen wir uns bei Metalcaucho dem Bereich Ersatzteile und Zubehörteile aus Gummi und Metall für das Automobil für praktisch alle globalen Hersteller.
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